About the Lab
Exploring evolution through taxonomy
One of the most exciting things we do in our work is discover and describe new species! Through genomics and taxonomy, we are fundamentally changing what we know about our planet and the other forms of life with whom we share it. Image credit: Jason Bond
beyond the lab
Using arthropods to connect the public to science
We have developed citizen science projects, lab-based experiences, and large public events to connect people outside of academia with the science we’re doing here in the lab. Because we believe in the power of science literacy and engagement to build a new generation of science-curious citizens. Image credit: Jason Bond

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We are a dynamic group of folks that are excited about evolutionary biology and terrestrial arthropods. We spend a lot of time in the field and lab exploring biodiversity!
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RT @UCDavisCAESDean: Trout alert! #UCDavis researchers identified a subspecies of rainbow trout & worked with the Winnemem Wintu tribe o… https://t.co/1qWHaAwp7H
RT @EZlab_slo: Read about one of our latest papers! Spider aggregations that indicate the first recorded lek mating in arachnids. https://t.co/owuIQcMrI5